Some of my favourite lines...


"... You will need to implement a plan that relies on a certain amount of dissembling, mis-information, veiled threats, and luck. And, of course, certain amounts of directed violence."

"Directed violence we can do," Cullan said. "I'm not saying we can't do the other stuff, but it's not what we're best at."


"Actually, Sire, we were hoping that you might be able to offer us employment," Cullan said quickly.

"You were? On what terms?"

This was a new one on Cullan. "Mercenary ones?" he answered, carefully.


"If I creep you out, what do the monsters make you feel?" asked Cadell, quickly.



"My father would turn in his grave. If he was dead, that is."


"We're not here to grope each other, we're here to sneak onto the roof."

"Okay. I'll grope you when we get back to the hideout," Cullan replied, stepping carefully backwards.


He smiled. "Trust me. I can disappear like a ghost."

"As long as you don't become one."


They made it to the main door without incident, and they managed to get to the main guardroom too. Inside the guardroom were two guards. "Yeah, whaddya want?"

"And these are supposed to be the elite?" asked Cadell in disbelief, apparently unaware that he was drawing his sword and unhooking his axe.

"Apparently," Alys replied laconically, with the same actions.

"Didn't stop us carving up, what, twelve of them, last year?" Cullan mentioned casually, also drawing his sword.

"Plus one burnt to a crisp," Morgan supplied.

"And don't forget the however many that demon ripped into," Kenyon added.

"By the way guys, now would be a good time to run screaming for help," Cullan suggested pleasantly. The two guards nodded frantically, and fled.


"Oy! Pigbrains! Can't you tell an Illusion when it shouts at you?"

They all froze. "Please tell me that was who I thought it was," Cullan said.

Kenyon nodded. "Yep - that was Cadell." There was a scream. "And that sounds like someone who's met him."